
Christmas 1971 Ken, Edna, Sandy, Beverly Pratt (Edna's cousin), Alice Goranson, Paul, Sven. @ 13 Cynthia Rd.55 views

Christmas Pageant34 views

Doris Odell, New Brunswick. One of Greta's sisters25 views

Young Unclle Paul Holman and some dog at 24 Adamson St.28 views

Ake doing a picnic in NH in 1950s?25 views


Ake on snowy day in early 19060's at 13 Cynthia Road21 views

Young Paul Niel21 views

Note from "Cousin Sue" on back of following photo of 1 year old Paul Niel in 195519 viewsFrom Lynne: The only Cousin Sue that I can think of is that My Aunt Doris (Nana's sister) had a daughter Sue. She was a little younger than me.. I met her once or twice on trips to Canada..

photo of 1 year old Paul Niel in 195520 views

Paul on beach. Maybe Old Orchard beach, Maine on week-long trip there with Greta. We went there by bus from Boston.17 views

Note from Ake on back of next photo saying this is Paul's new cat. Paul can't take care of it right now so I am its father. He says she looks like his childhood cat, Snurre.13 views

Ake holding Sonja late 1959 just before move to Canton We only got Sonja that fall a little before moving from Boston to Canton20 views

Note from Emil on back of picture of Carlsmithsgatan 22 1956, Trelleborg, Sweden7 views

picture of Carlsmithsgatan 22 1956, Trelleborg, Sweden16 views

Paul Niel Adamson St. front yard ca 195613 views

Paul, Lynne, Emiil, Kjell-Ake, Hilma, NYC 196212 views

Greta watching the clock a New England beach 1960s9 views

Lesliie about 2 years old on big rock in Cynthia Road backyard - Ponkapoag Pond in background10 views

Lynne at costume party in 13 Cynthia basement 1960's10 views

"Woody" Mooney - 9 Cynthia Road Neighbor at costume party in 13 Cynthia basement 1960's16 views

Ake at costume party in 13 Cynthia basement 1960's12 views

13 Cynthia Road Costume Party, 1960's. Janice Connelly (??) dancing with Ake in drag20 views

Peggy Paulding, wife of Walter, Architect-friend of Ake's and Leslie's godparents12 views

One of Ake's early offices, maybe Killiam, Hopkins, Greely and Brody11 views

Workmen at what looks like Ankargrund in Halifax, MA 10 views

Otto Goranson on the left and on the far right is Signe Goranson (later marrided Marvin Peterson)20 viewsFrom Elaine Goranson Seher: The picture is from 1943. It was taken in the backyard of Pop and Alice's home on Elliot Ave. The car is in their driveway, which extends behind them and continues beyond the pic until it reaches the garage, which would be on the left of the shot (obviously not included in the pic). Extra, unasked for details: pop is wearing his Coast Guard uniform. He volunteered to serve in WWII and was an engineer on a ship. He got the nickname "pop" from the younger men on the ship

Some place where Swedes were the night before9 views

Lake house somewhere in NH??13 views

Young Paul Niel hanging from unknown building with unknown man on porch9 views

Greta, Uncle Paul, Uncle Junie, Ake, Gulli Larson, Junie Gould, Jo Spraklin (??) at Ake and Lynne's wedding???16 viewsGreta's handwriting saying 'Isn't this hot'


Young Lynne breaking ground somewhere....13 Cynthia?14 views

Unknown Children Panning for Gold OR Unknown children eating dirt17 views

One of Ake's building sites12 views

Luther Holman12 views

Ake with brand-new Sonya sitting on 1953 Chevrolet Belair in Adamson St. driveway fall 19599 views

???? NO idea who is dancing where?13 views

Bob Freda and wife Beverly in front of their house in Beverly, MA11 views

Teenage Lynne12 views

Looks like Sweden10 views

Future CEO of Meetinghouse and Qosnetics13 views

Paula Lee Holman14 views

Looks like Ella (O'Dell) Tate on left and Greta's cousin ,"Lulu"- Louella in center = grew up with Greta in Camada14 views

Foreground: Peter, Nana, background, Jenny, Kirimi, Johnny at 1686 Washington St. Canton backyard8 views

Ake and Greta in front of 13 Cynthia Road early 1960s13 views

Arthur Lee Holman, Gulli, Ake, Lynne, Greta in 24 Adamson St. Living Room piano11 views

Paul Niel toddler, 3rd floor apartment, 26 Adamson St. Allston. ca 19567 views

Greta, 13 Cynthia Basement, ca 19658 views

Lynne and Leslie skiing and toboganning on MDC golf course12 views

Leslie, Uncle Paul's children Paula Lee and Walter, Paul Niel16 views

Greta and some grandchild at Wells Beach8 views
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