
Helen and Jenny in Eliot living room Xmas 198512 views

Jenny with new doll and Nana Xmas 198511 views

Leslie and ??snowflake?? in Eliot living room Xmas 198513 views

Jenny in Eliot living room Xmas 19859 views

Leslie and ??snowflake?? in Eliot living room Xmas 198511 views

Eliot living room Xmas 19858 views

Jenny and her new tea set in Eliot living room Xmas 19857 views

Helen, Nana and Jenny and her new sled in Eliot living room Xmas 19858 views

Paul with Jenny and her still-wrapped new tricycle in Eliot living room Xmas 19856 views

Jenny in Eliot living room Xmas 19857 views

Leslie, Paul, Jenny in Eliot living room Xmas 19857 views

Paul with Jenny in Eliot living room Xmas 19857 views

Jenny in Eliot living room Xmas 19855 views

Ake with Jenny Xmas 19857 views

13 Cynthia Road 1980's5 views

Paul overlooking beach in VZ6 views

4 year old Jenny with Aunt Leslie in our Caracas apartment Xmas 19867 views

Leslie in 13 Cynthia Living Room Thanksgiving1989?8 views

Leslie in 13 Cynthia Living Room Thanksgiving1989?9 views

Paul and Leslie somewhere in VZ?7 views

Paul, Pregnant Helen, Jenny outside Clinica La Floresta in Caracas before Peter's birth7 views

Jenny and Peter on beach on Mexican Pacific on Xmas trip 1988 with Alejandro's family5 views

Jenny, Paul and Peter in Eliot dining room ca 19886 views

Jenny and her Farfar Ake in 13 Cynthia basement ca 19886 views

Peter and Jenny on Eliot living room couch ca 19895 views

Peter, Ake, Helen and Jenny on 13 Cynthia Living Room floor ca 19895 views

Jenny and Helen on 13 Cynthia Living Room floor ca 19895 views

Peter and our geese ca 19895 views

Bondgarden's flock of not-so-fat Christmas Geese. So angry and violent!5 views

Paul, Peter and Helen on 13 Cynthia Living Room floor ca 19896 views

Wells Beach Kitchen after 1rst Wildman Biathlon Aug. 89. From Rt: Ed Goggin, Paul, ,Jose Franklin, Ake, Jenny, Lynn, Helen, Peter, Uncle Paul5 views

Wells Beach Kitchen after 1rst Wildman Biathlon Aug. 1989. From Rt: Ed Goggin, Paul, Ake, Jenny, Lynn, Helen, Peter, Uncle Paul6 views

Sandra in New Brunswick??6 views

Back of next picture of Sandra in NB.5 views

Leslie in Canton ca 19888 views

Leah Weiner's wedding?? ca 19699 views

13 Cynthia Road ca 1970's9 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19888 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19889 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19887 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19888 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19888 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19887 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19887 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19886 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19887 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 1988 with Kim Maletta and Sharion Campion (Leslie's roommates)6 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 19885 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 1988 with Kim Maletta and Sharion Campion (Leslie's roommates)6 views

Leslie's 1988 graduation from UVM medical school. Friends Sharon campion and Wendy Cathcart pointing.8 views

Leslie's Canton high School Graduation 19787 views

Leslie's Canton high School Graduation 19785 views
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