
12/12/23 Paul and guide at lake in Parque National de l'Ámbre, Madagascar2 views

12/10/23 a Madagascar privvy.1 views

12/14/23 Traversing National Game Park in Mozambique on our 130km drive from Maputo to Punto de Ouro1 views

12/11/23 beach scenes in Antsiranana, Madagascar (village of Ramena)2 views

12/10/23 first supper in Antsiranana, Madagascar2 views

12/14/23 A toilet in Mozambique resort soon to be overtaken by vegetation3 views

12/12/23 Big Chamelion in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/9/23 Ray in front of Antique Cars at cafe in Antananarivo with nice waitstaff2 views

12/10/23 Paul's cut elbow from rough taxi ride in Antsiranana, Madagascar2 views

12/9/23 The most persistent beggar I have yet encountered. She was on the King''s Palace hill in Antananarivo, Madagascar: She won2 views

12/11/23 beach between our ""resort" and the village of Ramena which we walked to several times along the beach3 views

12/12/23 Lemurs in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/16/23 returning to Maputo: View of Chinese-built giant suspension bridge providing access to capital city from the south (where we were)2 views

12/12/23 Ray at waterfall in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/12/23 trails in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/5/23 PNG in United Lounge in Newark ready to go (and to be disappointed 3 hours later when flight was cancelled)2 views

12/9/23 downtown Antananarivo, Madagascar2 views

12/9/23 downtown Antananarivo, Madagascar3 views

12/9/23 downtown Antananarivo, Madagascar2 views

12/9/23 drive to/from Antananarivo from our Relais de Plateaux hotel2 views

12/9/23 drive to/from Antananarivo from our Relais de Plateaux hotel2 views

12/9/23 A lovey little cafe on King's Palace Hill in Antananarivo with friendly waitstaff2 views

12/9/23 The King's Palace in Antananarivo, Madagascar2 views

12/9/23 Ray and guide on King's Palace Hill in Antananarivo, Madagascar2 views

12/9/23 The Turing Machines on King's Palace Hill in Antananarivo, Madagascar2 views

12/9/23 King's Palace Hill in downtown Antananarivo: miscellaneous dwellings (note that this is the most touristic spot in the capital city of Madagascar)2 views

12/9/23 King's Palace Hill in downtown Antananarivo2 views

12/9/23 King's Palace Hill in downtown Antananarivo: miscellaneous dwellings2 views

12/9/23 A scene of canine frolicking in downtown Antananarivo with Ray in background2 views

12/9/23 view down to downtown Antananarivo and national soccer stadium during walking tour around King's Palace Hill. There was a nice stop for a coke during the tour with a friendly waitress.2 views

12/9/23 If you don't speak Malagasy here, you had better speak French2 views

12/9/23 drive from hotel into downtown Antananarivo for our tour3 views

12/9/23 drive from hotel into downtown Antananarivo for our tour2 views

12/9/23 Ray in Restaurant at Relais de Plateaux outside Antananarivo, Madagasar during a (frequent) power failure2 views

12/10/23 our almost-dead taxi waiting for us in downtown Antsiranana during money extraction2 views

12/10/23 Ray trying to extract 1,000,000 units of local currency in downtown Antsiranana 2 views

12/10/23 Taxi ride from Antsiranana aiport to our "resort" in Ramena village2 views

12/10/23 Beach accessible from our resort in Northern Madagascar3 views

12/10/23 Menu at restaurant at our 'resort'' in Northern Madagascar2 views

12/11/23 This little guy jumped out from toilet when I lifted the seat. I jumped.2 views

12/10/23 drive to Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/10/23 drive to Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/10/23 Ray at entrance to Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar3 views

12/10/23 Paul at entrance to Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/10/23 Ray and guide at entrance to Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/10/23 different trails in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/10/23 Lemurs in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar3 views

12/10/23 Lemurs in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/10/23 Lemurs in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar3 views

12/10/23 Lemurs in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar3 views

12/10/23 Lemurs in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views

12/10/23 Lemurs in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar2 views