Last additions - AT-mile 1812-2185 (NH,ME) |

single person mountaineering tent119 viewsOct 01, 2015

Gatorade Bladder58 viewsOct 01, 2015

bottom of main pack (clothes, sleeping bag, thermarest)58 viewsOct 01, 2015

top of main pack (Gortex, food bag)53 viewsOct 01, 2015

Outer pocket contents (Nalgene, day's snacks)53 viewsOct 01, 2015

Inner brain contents48 viewsOct 01, 2015

Outer brain contents48 viewsOct 01, 2015

Pack Decomposition47 viewsOct 01, 2015

Appalachian Trail Cafe46 viewsOct 01, 2015

Mike Scarpa's trailname from last year (Keep Walker)46 viewsOct 01, 2015

New addition to ceiling at Applachian Trail Cafe44 viewsOct 01, 2015

Thanks, Helen.43 viewsOct 01, 2015

Walk in the woods is done - Thanks Ray.45 viewsOct 01, 2015

Ray descending43 viewsOct 01, 2015

descending42 viewsOct 01, 2015

43 viewsOct 01, 2015

trail done, but still must descend44 viewsOct 01, 2015

views from the summit of Katahdin44 viewsOct 01, 2015

views from the summit of Katahdin43 viewsOct 01, 2015

I first saw this sign in 198244 viewsOct 01, 2015

"HOLLYWOOD" at trail-end sign44 viewsOct 01, 2015

views from the summit of Katahdin44 viewsOct 01, 2015

views from the summit of Katahdin45 viewsOct 01, 2015

views from the summit of Katahdin46 viewsOct 01, 2015

45 viewsOct 01, 2015

views from the summit of Katahdin44 viewsOct 01, 2015

Ahhh...47 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/26 halfway up47 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/26/2015: Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!48 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/26 halfway up46 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/25 trailhead for start tomorrow morning47 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/25 Katahdin Looming47 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/25 14.8 left on the trail45 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/24 Yeah!! Truck is still there!46 viewsOct 01, 2015

Abol Bridge campground store62 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/24 view from Abol bridge52 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/24 crossing Abol Bridge53 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/24 end of 100m wilderness48 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/24 end of 100m wilderness48 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/24 Katahdin from Rainbow Ledges45 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/24 Katahdin from Rainbow Ledges46 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/24 6.1 more miles in the 100m wilderness45 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/23 Rainbow Stream shelter camp45 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/23 Rainbow Stream shelter camp46 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/23 Rainbow Stream shelter camp48 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/23 Rainbow Stream shelter camp48 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/23 Rainbow Stream shelter camp48 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/23 Katahdin looms ever closer48 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/22 stealth camping off logging road50 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/22 stealth camping off logging road50 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/22 Katahdin from top of Whitecap Mtn.49 viewsOct 01, 2015

9/22 Katahdin from top of Whitecap Mtn.48 viewsOct 01, 2015
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