Most viewed - Qosnetics BusTrip Australia Jan2000 |

Jan 2000 Paul in Sydney6 views

Jan 2000 Helen in Sydney6 views

Jan. 2000 Queensland Australia, Paul, Helen, Greg, Diane6 views

Queensland Greg and Diane Burch6 views

Paul on Sydney Harbor bridge, photo by Helen6 views

Jan. 2000 Queensland Australia, Paul5 views

Helen on Sydney Harbor bridge, photo by Paul5 views

Jan 2000 Helen in Sydney4 views

Helen, Paul, Diane and Greg at our rental house in Port Douglas, Queensland4 views

Our dive boat for tthe Great Barrier Reef4 views

Paul on Crocodile river cruise4 views

Helen and Paul in Port Douglas ready to dive4 views

Diane and Greg Burch, Paul and Helen eating at a restaurant in Queensland4 views

Paul at Sydney harbor4 views

Joe Hitt getting ready to dive on the Great Barrier Reef and have a panic attack3 views

Helen at Sydney harbor3 views

Jan 2000 Paul on Sydney Harbor Bridge2 views

Jan 2000 Helen on Sydney Harbor Bridge2 views

Joe Hitt, Greg and Diane Burch on Crocodile river cruise2 views

Joe Hitt and his wife eating at a restaurant in Queensland2 views