Most viewed - Venezuela |

1983 Christmas visit:Jenny playing on living room floor32 views

2000 Trip to Puero La Cruz19 views

Christmas in Bello Monte, Caracas 198419 views

Camping in Morrocoy Nat. Park 198418 views

Tucakis en route to Morrocoy ca 199917 views

Cumana during 2000 Trip to Puerto La Cruz15 views

2000 Trip to Puero La Cruz15 views

Paul, Jenny, Helen on beach on a Morrocoy cayo10 views

Summer 1984: Barbersson, Wells Beach, belated first birthday party for Jenny3 views

Helen somewhat pregnant with Peter, Jenny and Venezuelan lady3 views

Paul, Jenny and Helen on floor of our Caracas apartment3 views

Jenny at birthday party for child of one of our church friends3 views

Paul in 1984 Caracas Marathon3 views

Christmas 1984:3 views

Christmas 1984: Lynne, pregnant Helen, Paul, Jenny, Ake in El Tinajero restaurant3 views

Paul with Jenny at park in Caracas3 views

Christmas 1984: Leslie with Jenny and Christmas presents3 views

Ake and Lynn at unknown house during our visit home summer 19863 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson3 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson3 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson3 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson3 views

Helen and Jenny in a park in Caracas in Spring 19843 views

Paul, Jenny, Helen at Club Tachira in Spring 19843 views

Our baby Jenny in Caracas apartment3 views

Paul and Jenny stopping at street vendor on Avenida Las Mercedes in Caracas3 views


Jenny, Helen, Paul in Caracas park3 views

Jenny overnight camping on a Morrocoy Cayo3 views

Jenny, Helen on beach on a Morrocoy cayo3 views

1983 Christmas visit:Lynne and Paul on beach in La Guaira3 views

1983 Christmas visit:Lynn, Jenny, Paul on beach on a cayo3 views

1983 Christmas visit:3 views

1983 Christmas visit: Paul and Ake on La Guaira beach jetty3 views

1983 Christmas visit: La Guaira beach3 views

1983 Christmas visit: By this time, Jenny could really scuttle around on this walker3 views

1983 Christmas: Leslie on one of the La Guaira beaches3 views

Shopping at the supermarket in Caracas3 views

Jenny acquiring an early love for Fondue in our Colinas de Bello Monte kitchen2 views

Jenny acquiring an early love for Fondue in our Colinas de Bello Monte kitchen2 views

Jenny at some Venezuelan' kid's birthday party on top of Bello Monte2 views

Jenny at some Venezuelan' kid's birthday party on top of Bello Monte2 views

Paul and Jenny at North American day at Parque Del Este 19842 views

Jenny, Helen, Paul in Venezuelan park2 views

Jenny at birthday party for child of one of our church friends2 views

Paul and Jenny at Parque Del Este2 views

Paul in 1984 Caracas Marathon2 views

1984: Jenny walking in Parque Del Este2 views

Christmas 1984: Leslie with Jenny and Christmas presents2 views

Christmas 1984: Ake and Jenny at supermarket in Caracas2 views

Christmas 1984: Jenny thinking about sugarplums in our Caracas apartment2 views

Christmas 1984: Leslie, Ake, Jenny, Paul, Helen after church service2 views