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Lynne hiking (with Ake) in Bear Brook Park mid-1950's11 views

Ake and Lynne hiking in Bear Brook Park in NH in the 1950s11 views

Mt Cranmore base lodge, North Conway, NH ca 1950s11 views

Mount Cranmore skimobile, North Conway, NH ca 1950s11 views

Cynthia Road 1959: Storm drain going into road 11 views

Sonja's kitten litter, 13 Cynthia Road, early 60's11 views

13 Cynthia Rd. Under construction 195911 views

Paul on day trip with Uncle Walter and Rosalie to Pleasure Island in Wakefield, MA ca 195911 views

Car-driving carousel 1960's11 views

Jenny with new doll and Nana Xmas 198511 views

Leslie and ??snowflake?? in Eliot living room Xmas 198511 views

Paul, Sonya and Ake in front of Cynthia Rd. ca 196011 views

Canton High Friends Sharon Mandell, Leslie, Sue Leoni, and Michelle Peel11 views

Paul and Peter, Eliot, Xmas 199011 views

Greta watching the clock a New England beach 1960s10 views

Lesliie about 2 years old on big rock in Cynthia Road backyard - Ponkapoag Pond in background10 views

Lynne at costume party in 13 Cynthia basement 1960's10 views

Workmen at what looks like Ankargrund in Halifax, MA 10 views

Uncle Waltern's dental school graduation from Tufts10 views

Walter's graduation from Tufts Dental School10 views

Uncle Paul's children Paula Lee, Walter and Scotty in Allston back yard10 views

Paul and Lynne in Amsterdam in 196610 views

Keine Ahnung10 views

Greta Holman and grandson Chris Holman in Adamson St. driveway10 views

Young Richard Holman 10 views

Greta, John Matthews (??)and Emily Gaskin at John and Christine's wedding (??). I think it was Spring, 197110 views

Young Chris Holman10 views

Danny and Elaine Holman in 26 Allston back yard10 views


Pop and Alice traveled on this ship in 1948 between the US and Sweden (we think)10 views

Bateaux mouches en Seine, Paris, 1966 trip10 views

Boston common, maybe Arlington St., 1950's10 views

Mount Cranmore skimobile, North Conway, NH ca 1950s10 views

Leslie, Senior Year of High School10 views

Paul on day trip with Uncle Walter and Rosalie to Pleasure Island in Wakefield, MA ca 195910 views

Paul on day trip with Uncle Walter and Rosalie to Pleasure Island in Wakefield, MA ca 195910 views

Odell genealogy??10 views

Crossing Pulaski Skyway bridge between NY and NJ 196410 views

Emil and Snurre in front of Kvarngatan 52 in 195210 views

Leslie in front of 13 Cynthia Road 196110 views

pre-existing construction at one of Ake's building sites10 views

13 Cynthia Road under development10 views

pre-existing construction at one of Ake's building sites in Malmo while working in Sweden 195210 views

one of Ake's buildings in Malmo while working in Sweden 195210 views

One of Ake's buildings...Hanson school in Canton?10 views

Extended Family at Columbus Isle 25th anniversary celebration New Years 200010 views

Jenny and Leslie10 views

Jenny and Nana10 views

Lynne, Leslie, Meta and Kennedy during trip to NYC/Metropolitan Opera (La Boheme)10 views

Jenny and Peter, Eliot, Xmas 199010 views

Leslie, Jenny, Paul in Eliot, winter 199010 views
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