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Paul and Greta in front yard of Ella's house in Hampton August 1968. Paul had probably just met Donna on this trip. First real girlfriend.10 views

Greta resting in one of Ella's spare bedrooms in Hampton, NB10 views

Greta and Ake in restaurant in Paris, 1966, Renault 2 Chevaux in background10 views

Europe 1948??10 views

Arthur, Greta, Ake, Walter, Lynne, Allston dining mid-1950's10 views

Ake and Lynne at dinner on honeymoon cruise to Sweden 195210 views

Pop and Alice traveled on this ship in 1948 between the US and Sweden (we think)10 views

Ake, Leslie in Hampton, NB, ca 196510 views

Bateaux mouches en Seine, Paris, 1966 trip10 views

Eiffel Tower elevator, Paris, 1966 trip10 views

Norte Dame, Paris, 1966 trip10 views

Hilma, Emil, Kjell-Ake, Ankargrund, Halifax, MA 196210 views


Boston Public Gardens, mid 1950's10 views

Swan boats, Boston Public Gardens, mid 1950's10 views

Ake skiing in Bear Brook park, ca NH 195110 views

Lynne skiing in Bear Brook park, NH ca 195110 views

Swedish apartments pre-194810 views

??Uncle Junie's dental lab in army?? Fort Leonard Wood??10 views

Mt Cranmore base lodge, North Conway, NH ca 1950s10 views

Sacre-Coeur, Montmarte, Paris, 1948???10 views

Cynthia Road 1959: Storm drain going into road10 views

13 Cynthia Road foundation during construction 195910 views

Front of Cynthia Road during construction 195910 views

Front of Cynthia Road during construction 195910 views

13 Cynthia Road living room during construction 195910 views

View from tower at top of Blue Hills early 60's10 views

XMAS 1960 Canton: Paula Lee, Walter, Santa Claus (Ake was out buying cigarettes), Paul10 views

Leslie in front of 13 Cynthia winter 196310 views

Baby Leslie, 196110 views

Paul on day trip with Uncle Walter and Rosalie to Pleasure Island in Wakefield, MA ca 195910 views

Christopher Columbus Holman, son of slave Tempe10 views

Lynne playing badminton with Paul on Wells Beach ca 195710 views

Ake building site, 1952, Malmo, Sweden10 views

Ake building site, 1952, Malmo, Sweden10 views

one of Ake's buildings in Malmo while working in Sweden 195210 views

One of Ake's buildings...Hanson school in Canton?10 views

Leslie in 13 Cynthia Living Room Thanksgiving1989?10 views

Paul, Pregnant Helen, Jenny outside Clinica La Floresta in Caracas before Peter's birth10 views

Paul, Peter and Helen on 13 Cynthia Living Room floor ca 198910 views

Leslie in Canton ca 198810 views

Leah Weiner's wedding?? ca 196910 views

13 Cynthia Road ca 1970's10 views

Leslie's medical school graduation UVM 198810 views

Bondgarden Sweet Corn Crop, Helen, Peter, Paul ca 199110 views

Nana, Helen, Jenny Peter, Jack, Christmas 1994 Bondgarden in front of EL10 views

Elsa around 1990 at KA's and Marianne's house Majgatan, Helsingborg, Sweden10 views

Extended Family at Columbus Isle 25th anniversary celebration New Years 200010 views

Sue leoni, Nana and Leslie, early '90s10 views

Jenny and Leslie10 views

Jenny and Nana10 views

Meta, Leslie, Kennedy and Lynne during trip to NYC/Metropolitan Opera (La Boheme)10 views
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