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Helen, Majorette Captain, winning majorette team competition in 1971. Joyful Judy Tucker looking on, Donna Keefe, Susan Kelley and Carol Blanchard in the bleachers7 views

Benji Helen, Shirley in Gerzon's photo studio in Dorchester (subsequently destroyed in a fire) ca 19557 views

Helen ca 19957 views

Class officers CHS class of 71, Helen Gerzon PRESIDENT7 views

Helen at our 1971 Senior Prom with old friend Kevin Galagher. This is just one month before Paul and Helen begin to date7 views

Helen's senior yearbook photo7 views

Helen's senior yearbook photo7 views

Elijah, Sarah's (Benji's daughter) son. This is George and Gittel's first great grandchild and the only one alive before they passed7 views

Helen ca 20087 views


Helen visiting Gershon's sister Faiga in 2004 in nursing home in Bat Yam, Israel7 views

Helen senior year high school7 views

Helen, Gittel, Bella ca 20057 views

Helen at Simmons in exercise leotard7 views

Helen cheesecake photo sent to Vietnam Soldiers7 views

Helen in 8th grade7 views

Returning to Bar Harbor7 views

Lunch7 views

Campobello??7 views

Campobello??7 views

On Island-hopping ferries returning from NB to Maine, including Campobello7 views

On Island-hopping ferries returning from NB to Maine, including Campobello7 views

On Digby Ferry?7 views

Lynne, Emil, baby Paul Niel, Hilma at Crane's Beach Ipswich, MA ca 19567 views

KA with his second cousin on Stigs's side living in or around Trollhättan.Forgot his name.7 views

Elsa at Christmas ca 1965 Carlsmithsgatan 227 views

Ake at stuga near Stockholm early 1940's7 views

Elaine Goransson 'Sprawley' Christmas early ca 19607 views

Kjell-Ake, Paul, Stig,Leslie, Elsa, Lynn on the Mohawk Trail, Western Mass 19647 views

Elsa, Kjell-Ake, Paul, Stig NYC 19647 views

Christopher Radko with plant manager inside ornament factory7 views

Stop at charming castle en route from Warsaw to Krakow7 views

Warsaw Ghetto Memorial7 views

Warsaw7 views

Christopher Radko's Christmas Ornament Factory7 views

Downtown Krackow7 views

Christopher Radko's home7 views

Lenny at supermarket in Venezuela with 1 year old Jenny 19847 views


Jenny 19847 views

Jenny's First Smile 19837 views

Kirimi, Jenny and Paul coming out of the pool at the Papp's house in Tewksbury7 views

Gittel, Jenny and Gerson in Washington St. house, Canton ca 20067 views

Gittel, Jenny and Gerson in Washington St. house, Canton ca 20067 views

Jenny, Caracas 19847 views

Jenny on Wells Beach 1984 during summer vacation home from VZ7 views

Lenny holding Jenny in Bello Monte apartment 19847 views

Jenny in Papp's pool7 views

Helen, Jenny, Parque Central, Caracas 19847 views

Gershon, Helen, Gittel, Jenny, Paul, in Washington St. Canton house 1984 summer vacation home on vacation from VZ7 views

Jenny, Helen in Washington St. Canton house 1984 summer vacation home on vacation from VZ7 views

Jenny, Helen, Club Tachira 19847 views
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