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Helen and Peter on beach near Fajardo, PR in early 90's6 views

Helen, Paul, Lynne Columbus Isle January 20006 views

Lynne resting at 26 Adamson St.6 views

Jenny en route to/from DC ca 19886 views

Kennedy and Leslie at Alcatraz, 19936 views

Jenny's traveling companion6 views

US Capitol6 views

Nana and Jenny on the Mall in DC ca 19896 views

Jenny6 views

Jenny at Disneyworld6 views

Leslie and her then-boyfriend Bob, Jenny in Disneyworld6 views

Kennedy, Peter, Leslie somewhere in DC area6 views

Kennedy, Peter, Leslie6 views

Peter on 13 Cynthia Rd. Driveway ca 19886 views

Peter, Jack Jenny Eliot Xmas ca 19916 views

Helen, Peter, Paul, Jenny Eliot Xmas 19886 views

Helen, Peter and Jenny at some lake in New England6 views

Helen, Lynne in Eliot kitchen ca 19906 views

Kennedy with cat Barbara at Leslie's apartment on Harvard St. in DC6 views

Peter and Paul in Puerto Rico6 views

Lynne, Jenny, Paul, Peter on beach in Puerto Rico6 views

Helen with Tigger ca 19896 views

Jenny and Peter, 19896 views

Peter's 4th birthday party 19896 views

Peter's 4th birthday party 19896 views

Peter's 4th birthday party 19896 views

Peter's 4th birthday party 19896 views

Peter's 4th birthday party 19896 views

Pool in Puerto La Cruz, VZ, Christmas Vacation 89-906 views

Jenny, Elsa, Jose, Signa, Lynne, Helen, Peter, Ake, Eliot dining room winter 19906 views

Lynne, Elsa, Paul, Helen, Peter, Jenny, Walter, 26 Adamson St. ca 19896 views

Peter, Paul, Helen near San Francisco6 views

Papa and Peter hanging onto cable car in San Francisco6 views

Oregon Coast6 views

Filling up in Washington6 views

Swedish house games6 views

Jenny writing postcards to herself :-)6 views

2/4/23. In Angola, driving north from Namibia border. This is the home of an anti-Portuguese colonials freedom fighter.6 views

Paul and the lyricist of "What's the Story Here?6 views

Map of Columbus Isle (first American landfall for Chistopher Columbus in 1492)6 views

Jenny acquiring an early love for Fondue in our Colinas de Bello Monte kitchen6 views

Jenny at some Venezuelan' kid's birthday party on top of Bello Monte6 views

Summer 1984: Barbersson, Wells Beach, belated first birthday party for Jenny6 views

Jenny at birthday party for child of one of our church friends6 views

Paul in 1984 Caracas Marathon6 views

1984: Jenny walking in Parque Del Este6 views

Paul, Jenny, Helen at Club Tachira in Spring 19846 views

Jenny, Helen, Paul in Caracas park6 views

Jenny, Helen on beach on a Morrocoy cayo6 views

1983 Christmas visit:Lynne and Paul on beach in La Guaira6 views

1983 Christmas visit:6 views

1983 Christmas visit: Paul and Ake on La Guaira beach jetty6 views
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