Most viewed |

8/11/21 Arriving at Timberline Lodge5 views

8/12/21 rounding the shoulder of Mt. Hood5 views

8/13/21 campsite at Wahtum Lake5 views

9/11/21 TARman crossing Bridge of the Gods5 views

9/11/21 TARman crossing Bridge of the Gods5 views

9/11/21 big mountains to the north5 views

9/12/215 views

9/12/21 campsite5 views

9/13/21 Deer Lake campsite5 views

9/14/21 view of Mt. Adams in clouds5 views

9/14/21 5 views

9/15/21 approaching Mt. Adams from south5 views

9/15/21 approaching Mt. Adams from south5 views

9/15/215 views

9/15/215 views

9/15/21 still-distant Rainier to the north5 views

9/15/21 Mt. Adams from north5 views

9/15/21 difficult stream crossing5 views

9/15/21 difficult stream crossing5 views

9/16/21 Goat Rocks Wilderness5 views

9/16/21 Goat Rocks Wilderness5 views

9/16/21 Goat Rocks Wilderness5 views

9/17/21 Goat Rocks Wilderness "knife edge" area5 views

9/17/21 Goat Rocks Wilderness "knife edge" area5 views

9/17/21 White Pass ski area 5 views

9/17/21 arrival at White Pass5 views

9/20/21 my first marmot since 20035 views

9/20/21 Scenery5 views

9/21/21 Sourdough Gap5 views

9/21/21 campsite5 views

9/21/21 campsite5 views

9/21/21 Twilight view of Rainier from campsite5 views

9/22/21 dawn view from campsite5 views

9/22/21 1988 fire5 views

9/22/21 1988 fire5 views

9/22/21 tentsite 5 views

9/23/21 early morning cold mists5 views

9/24/21 Snoqualmie Pass with Barb Wendell5 views

9/24/21 About to shave it off at Barb Wendell's House5 views

Aerial photos of Bondgarden and Highover Morgans ca 19935 views

Behind 235 Depot Barn ca 19935 views

Helen on JD1010 with Kuhn Tedder ca 2004 on Bondgarden South field5 views

Leslie and Lynne Christmas at 13 Cynthia Road, ca 19695 views

Peter, Jenny, Bella, Gittel, Kirimi, Jonny ca 1995 in Washington St house5 views

Helen and Paul on beach at Morrocoy, VZ after Peter's birth5 views

Helen ca 1984 in our Colinas de Bello Monte Apartment5 views

Gittel wth Russian friend of Sergei Garbusov at party at Bondgaden ca 19965 views

1994 50th anniversary party for George and Gittel at Lenny and Nancy's: Len, Gittel, George, Benji, lower: Shirley, Helen5 views

THE HAND OF FATE in print at the US Holocaust Museum5 views

Helen before 1970 Jr. Prom5 views

Late 1970's photo at Chip and Shirley's Tewksbury house.: George, Paul, Sharon Jones husband, Sharon Jones, Gittel, Chip, Shirley, LOWER: Len, Helen, Grace, Grumpy5 views

Benji, George, Gittel, Helen, Shirley at Hougton's pond ca 19545 views
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