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Leslie, Paul, Helen PLC hotel5 views

6 year old Jenny in VZ5 views

Nana and Jenny in front of The National Air and Space Museum5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela5 views

Nana and Peter Wells Beach 19895 views

Leslie and Jenny Wells Beach 19895 views

Jenny at birthday party for child of one of our church friends5 views

Paul in 1984 Caracas Marathon5 views

Christmas 1984:5 views

Paul with Jenny at park in Caracas5 views

Christmas 1984: Leslie with Jenny and Christmas presents5 views

Ake and Lynn at unknown house during our visit home summer 19865 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson5 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson5 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson5 views

Helen and Jenny in a park in Caracas in Spring 19845 views

Paul and Jenny stopping at street vendor on Avenida Las Mercedes in Caracas5 views


Paul in Canton basement with Jenny during return trip home for training September 19835 views

Jenny overnight camping on a Morrocoy Cayo5 views

1983 Christmas visit: Lynne, Jenny, Helen on boat out to a cayo5 views

1983 Christmas visit: Leslie on Morrocoy beach5 views

1983 Christmas visit: Helen and Leslie in our apartment5 views

1983 Christmas: Jenny already likes Christmas presents5 views

Jose Franklin helping Paul re-roof flat roof over music room and semi-circular porch, ca 19895 views

Paul and Leslie at trip to Disney Orlando showing Jenny and Peter Disneyworld for the first time5 views

Beautiful mother Helen with beautiful baby Jenny in Jenny's bedroom in Colinas de Bello Monte5 views

Peter, Jenny, and boyfriend Sam Harding5 views

Farfar (Ake) and Peter in front of EL: Paul's Mazda RXY visible and is that Leslie's car with the bikes?5 views

Get ready for the Broloppet race5 views

Helen on Sydney Harbor bridge, photo by Paul5 views

Paul and Peter went to this Celtics game together5 views

12/12/23 Big Chamelion in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar5 views

12/12/23 Ray at waterfall in Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar5 views

12/9/23 downtown Antananarivo, Madagascar5 views

12/9/23 downtown Antananarivo, Madagascar5 views

12/9/23 A lovey little cafe on King's Palace Hill in Antananarivo with friendly waitstaff5 views

12/9/23 Ray and guide on King's Palace Hill in Antananarivo, Madagascar5 views

12/9/23 drive from hotel into downtown Antananarivo for our tour5 views

12/10/23 Taxi ride from Antsiranana aiport to our "resort" in Ramena village5 views

12/11/23 This little guy jumped out from toilet when I lifted the seat. I jumped.5 views

12/10/23 drive to Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar5 views

12/10/23 Ray and guide at entrance to Parque National de l'Ambre in Madagascar5 views
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