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12/19/23 Paul, Ray and Guide eating lunch during tour of Addis Ababa3 views

Helen and Paul from Fridge in Loon for the past 22 years3 views





Jenny and Peter in hotel pool3 views

Peter protecting his skin3 views

Ooney in her home country3 views

waiting for bags at PLC airport3 views

Paul snorkeling near PLC3 views

Ake on hotel balcony3 views

Hotel room in PLC3 views

Jenny and Leslie3 views

Jose Franklin (au pair), Peter and Leslie at pool3 views

Jose Franklin (au pair), Jenny and Leslie at pool3 views

Jose Franklin, Jenny, Paul and Peter walking back to hotel room3 views

Paul, Jenny, Peter in hotel balcony3 views

Paul, Peter PLC hotel pool3 views

Leslie, Paul, Helen PLC hotel3 views

6 year old Jenny in VZ3 views

Paul, Chip, Gittel, Nancy, Len ca 19883 views

1985 Turkey dinner 3 views

1989 Day trip to Newfound Lake (Jenny, Helen)3 views

1989 Day trip to Newfound Lake (Greg, Jack, Jim, ??)3 views

Peter in PCA first grade3 views

Jenny's first grade picture at Portsmouth Christian Academy (see ME to see Jenny)3 views

Guide, Jenny, Peter looking up Whitehorse from bottom3 views

Peter on Cathedral Ledge3 views

Nana and Jenny in front of The National Air and Space Museum3 views

1984 on vacation home from Venezuela3 views

Christmas 1984: Lynne, pregnant Helen, Paul, Jenny, Ake in El Tinajero restaurant3 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson3 views

Summer 1984: A belated first birthday for Jenny at Wells Beach house Barbersson3 views

Our baby Jenny in Caracas apartment3 views

1983 Christmas visit: Leslie and Helen playing tennis at Club Tachira3 views

1983 Christmas visit: Ake and Paul enjoying Polars on our apartment balcony with its fabulous nighttime view of the sparkling Caracas lights3 views

1983 Christmas: Paul and Leslie walking on a jetty at one of the La Guaira beaches3 views

Nana and 7th month old Jenny in our first Colinas de Bello Monte apartment during Christmas visit 19833 views

6th month old Jenny and her beautiful wonderful mom3 views

Newborn Jenny3 views

Newborn Jenny3 views

Newborn Jenny3 views

8 month old Jenny on our living room floor in Caracas3 views

Newborn Jenny nursing in Clinica Caurimare in Colinas de Bello Monte3 views

4 day old Jenny coming home on June1, 1983 to our horrible Fuerzas Armadas apartment3 views

Newborn Jenny wth her very sore mother in Clinica Caurimare in Colinas de Bello Monte3 views

Newborn Jenny nursing in Clinica Caurimare in Colinas de Bello Monte3 views

6 month old Jenny making sure she gets her fiber3 views

Jenny's 18th?? birthday in Eliot kitchen3 views

Broloppet start in Copenhagen3 views

View of Jenny and Peter reaching Sweden during 2000 Broloppet3 views
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